Christmas Photo Diary 2016


Merry Christmas Eve Eve! So over the festive season, I've taken various photos, from my local town centre's decorations to a German Christmas market in Leeds, as well as from America.

When we were in Florida, USA at the start of November, everywhere was beginning to get festive, including the security booth outside one of the hotels we stayed at. It looked so beautiful with the pretty lights and extravagant array of baubles; the Christmas decorations transformed the boring white security office.

During our visit to Florida, we went to Universal Studios, and as I walked around taking in each little detail of the rides and the props down each street, featuring real Starbucks and real restaurants amidst the fake shops of the old-style city. As I turned the corner a huge, almost 50 foot tree (no joke, it was huge), covered in an array of gigantic coloured baubles, some the size of my head with a view of your bewildered face staring back at you in the bauble's reflection. Each lamp post was decorated with a huge bow and Christmas hat. I personally think every lamp post should have a Santa's hat during the festive season.

My home town doesn't tend to go all out in terms of decorations, although there isn't a huge, extravagant Christmas tree in the centre of the town square, there is, however, a relatively tall and thin, beautifully decorated tree with simple white lights and silver baubles in an assortment of shapes. I appreciate their effort. I also absolutely adore the simple white lights hanging from each shops roof, envisioning snow and ice, (just light bulbs in reality but my inner child envisions snow. I wish.). My town also fits the exact same lights inside the exact same tree, every year.

Last weekend, my mum, my grandma and I travelled to Leeds for a German Christmas Market, during the day, before we headed to the market (which we wanted to experience at night due to the beautiful lights and desire for a luxurious hot chocolate from a German stall), we went shopping. Inside the Leeds shopping centre, there was a massive tree that almost touched the top of the domed building. This wasn't just a normal tree, because as we watched, the trees white sparkling lights would turn red irregularly - we later found out that it was a kissing tree, and every time someone kissed under the mistletoe by the tree, the tree lit up from white to red.

After heading to our hotel with our bags, we then headed out to dinner before we took an Uber to the German Christmas Market, which although was located in Leeds, was run by German people with real German stalls. From intricately decorated wooden and glass tree decorations, to larger hand-made decorations. Stalls and stalls of German treats, from chocolate covered marshmallows to unusual flavoured fudge and coffee beans. Although I didn't consume any of these delicious smelling treats, I felt like simply breathing in the scent was intaking large amounts of sugar and calories.

So that was my Christmas Photo Diary, I hope you enjoyed the little insight into how I spent the festive season! Let me know what you have been up to in the comments below!

Love Alesha xo


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