How To Be Inspired


Being inspired is really important to me in life, in terms of motivation in work and the way I look at things and live my life, e.g. style, positivity mentally, etc. To ensure I can stay motivated and feel inspired I tend to feature various aspects of inspiration in my life, from room decor to reading/saving quotes to reading inspiring books.

Having constant reminders of inspiration surrounding you is really important, for example, I got a couple of quotes printed onto polaroids from LaLaLab and put them on my wall, this way I see inspirational sayings whenever I walk out of my door. 

Sticking to the theme of inspiration within my home, I like to keep quotes framed, and wherever I can - e.g. my light box features my favourite quote "No Rain No Flowers". 

And lastly, in terms of physical quotes in my room, on my bedside table I keep a trinket tray which I hold my jewellery as well as a rolled up quote which I received at the Zoella Apartment last year. The quote says "Good Things Will Happen", which I think fits nicely with my theme of positivity and reminding myself of the positives to come if my life isn't completely great now. Things won't stay the same and life won't always be bad, everyday is different. So when I'm feeling down, I like to open the note and take a few deep breaths and try to maintain a positivity attitude. 

To try and keep a positive outcome on life and to be inspired to motivate myself and live the life I would like, I like to read books which motivate and inspire. Two of my favourite books in which I find inspire me the most are: 

•How To Be A Bawse, Lilly Singh 

Lilly's book features a complete confident/"Bawse" attitude  which makes you instantly want to be a better you. The guide by one of my favourite youtubers acknowledges everyday life and helps to assist you in being stronger and generally communicates positivity and motivation. It gave me a different outlook on who I am and how I live my life. Every chapter touches on a different element of confidence, and I love the layout of the book itself. 

•Note To Self, Connor Franta 

Another book I find positivity and inspiration in, is Note To Self by another one of my favourite youtubers Connor Franta. The book features experiences from Connor himself which I find so honest, and helps to relate within various topics of life. I found I was nodding along with some of the words he said, and within this, I found inspiration when he had described the experiences and negativity during his youth and then his experience to uplift and get to where he is now and find happiness and positivity, which completely inspired me. 

Another way in which I find I am inspired is through organisation. I recently joined the local gym and organising when I go to classes and when I go there to fit in with my life, assists my motivation. I like having a plan and seeing my plans for the week to inspire positivity and keeping myself busy from life struggles makes me a lot happier. Distraction from negativity is key. 

Thank you for reading! If you want to read some more lifestyle and beauty-related posts from me, then you can sign up to receive an email telling you when I next upload! (Every Saturday Evening - between 6pm-9pm UK Time) 


Love Alesha xo

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