18 Things I've Learnt In 18 Years


Okay so it's my 18th birthday next week and I wanted to celebrate with a special blog post that I hope will also help you in some way.

1.) Don't take yourself too seriously.

2.) You control your own happiness. Take photos of the sky, eat that cake, buy yourself the perfume you've had your eye on for weeks. Make yourself happy.

3.) If people want you in their life, they'll make the effort to be there. Don't put everything into being friends with someone and get nothing back. Don't be in a one sided relationship, (friendship or partner). It's a waste of your time, meet people who actually want to spend time with you and genuinely care about you.

4.) You are not defined by mistakes in the past. You aren't something that you messed up on two years ago. Or even two months ago. Define yourself. Don't let anyone else tell you who you are. (Cliché slightly but so true.)

5.) Don't scrutinise your physical "flaws", no one cares about them except you.

6.) Focus on what makes you happy. Surround yourself with happiness.

7.) Make up is not a necessity. If you enjoy the application, the end result, that's great. But remember, you don't need it. I used to be someone who would have to wear at least a tiny bit of makeup everyday, now I don't mind going out bare-faced. I don't feel sick at myself when I look in the mirror in the morning, I feel fresh and more confident in myself than in the past years.

8.) Just be nice. You don't know what other people are going through, and why be mean? I'm one of those people who love it when a stranger smiles at you, or when an old person says 'Good morning' - it genuinely makes my day.

9.) Always bring your phone charger. Whenever I don't bring my charger, I need it. I'm definitely a person obsessed with having my iPhone on the highest percentage possible at all times. Just bring it, trust me, it's better to be safe than sorry.

10.) If you want something, go for it. Whether that's a crush, a career, anything. If you think about something frequently, you should take action. From personal experience, I went for something and it worked out so unexpectedly well and it's the best decision I've ever made, if I didn't make that initial decision then my life wouldn't be how it is right now. Seriously, just go for it.

11.) It's just a bad day, not a bad life. One single day does not determine your life. 

12.) Dr Pepper is the best.

13.) Your health is most important, including your mental health. 

14.) You can't please everyone, and that's okay. You can't make everyone happy, you can only try not to make anyone unhappy. 

15.) Bath and Body Works is everything. (*Cries due to the lack of stores and unavailability to ship to the UK.)

16.) If there's something about your life that you don't like, simply change it. You have control of your life.

17.) Do not overthink. Overthinking breaks your happiness. Don't allow it. Distract yourself.

18.) And lastly, some of the best things in life are free. Appreciate the small things, the tiny moments that build up your happiness.

So that's 18 things I've learnt in the 18 years I've been on earth, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what festive blog posts you'd like to read in the comments below, or let me know on social media!

Love, Alesha xo

(All photography is my own)

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/missleshajade
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/missaleshajade

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