Summer Bucket List | 2016


Hey! So, Summer is finally here, and even the weather in England has been lovely and sunny! It got up to 30 degrees, which is absolutely insane for the UK. I've been loving the heat and sunshine because sunny days just make me so much happier and chilled.

Now Summer has officially started for me, I wanted to make a Summer Bucket List for things I want to do by September before I go back to college. So here is my 2016 Summer Bucket List so far...

1.) Have a picnic with friends. 
I really love being outside in the sunshine, because in England, we need to take advantage of the rare sunshine we get every year! I also love just chilling and seeing friends, so this summer I want to arrange a day where I meet with some friends and we have a really nice picnic in a little field. As a child, I don't really remember having too many picnics in the summer, so I'm really excited to arrange one. Grab a blanket, some nice food and chilled drinks and just listen to music and chat. 

2.) Go to London
I don't live too far from the city of London, so I really love having the occasional day out there. Usually I'm there just for shopping in an indoor shopping centre, but I really want to just explore the city (Central London) and actually just walk around. I really love exploring and seeing the city, (as I've mentioned in my previous blogpost "Love London". 

3.) Go to Brighton 
On a similar theme of exploring some of my favourite places, I want to visit Brighton. I went last summer and I absolutely adored it. The pretty lanes and the dainty and unique shops and the totally Instagram-worthy shop windows and little restaurants are so gorgeous. There's something so calming about Brighton - maybe just being so close to the sea. I can't wait to visit again! 

4.) Strawberry Picking 
Strawberries are one of my favourite fruits ever, and I really want to go to a Pick Your Own farm. Choosing the best strawberries! Talking about this makes me want strawberries and cream so badly. I will definitely be making a trip to a local P.Y.O. farm! 

5.) Read more. 
As a child, I was definitely a "book worm" and my head was constantly in a new book. But these last few years I haven't been reading much at all. In fact I can't remember the last book I read. However, since YouTuber, Zoe (Zoella) brought out her book club with WHSmith, I decided to purchase some of them and read them this summer! I also have to read a book for A Level English, so I have a lot to read over the next month! 

6.) Start and finish a series. 
I'm not really into any series on Netflix or on TV, as I mostly watch YouTube videos, however I really want to get hooked on a new series. 

7.) Bake!
Recently, YouTuber Tanya Burr brought out a baking book called Tanya Bakes and it's really inspired me to bake more! Looking through her book has made me determined to create some of the amazing and delicious recipes! I did attempt to make the Lemon Drizzle Loaf...note the word 'attempt'. It failed completely. But practise makes perfect!  Victoria Sponges are my favourite so I might attempt that next time! 

8.) Go on Bike Rides
Every summer for like 3 years, my friend and I have gone on days out on our bikes. We've cycled miles and miles, and I really want to do it again this summer! It's so much fun and I like exploring but keeping fit at the same time!

9.) Plan some future things.
I am going into my last year of college in September, and I need to start planning for the future. University. I need to look at Unis. Think about what I want to do. Careers. Adulthood. Scary.

10.) Blog more!
I've been way more regular with uploading blog posts recently, and I'm really enjoying it! I've also worked on my template and aesthetic of my blog and I'm really happy with it and I hope you like it too! I really would love a regular audience who I can communicate with and who actually like my blog! I think my blog posts will generally be uploaded every Saturday. Or Friday... any suggestions (Comment if you wish!)

Love, Alesha

(All photography is my own - from my Instagram - linked below)

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  1. My aim for the summer was to bake more and I've made nothing! Need to get my butt into gear. Lovely photos :) X
    Jenny /


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